Sunday, January 21, 2007

Google SketchUp Pro 6 Released ***

- Great News,.... Google has released both SketchUp 6 (free) and SketchUp Pro 6, which is available as a free upgrade to all SketchUp Users who have purchased any of SketchUp earlier version (2 to 5). Google SketchUp Pro 6 is powerful, intuitive 3D modeling software that allows designers and planners to explore, communicate and present complex design concepts. The simple, robust toolset and

European Design Awards

European Design Awards : Open for submissions (Deadline: Fabruary 28)- A new paneuropean institution consisting of an awards scheme, a conference and an annual catalogue for the European communication design industry is born! The three events are organized by European Awards Ltd. in collaboration with twelve leading European communication design magazines and sponsored by Corbis and HP.The

Terragen 2 Technology Preview

- The Terragen 2 Technology Preview is now available. Terragen™ is a scenery generator for Windows and the Mac OS. Terragen is free for personal non-commercial use. Terragen™ is capable of photorealistic results for professional landscape visualisation, special effects, art and recreation. For full documentation and download, please visit this - Link